Granite City Tree Surgeons is a friendly family run, reliable, and above all, a professional tree surgeon working in the field of arboriculture across Aberdeen.
We are the leading domestic based tree surgeons in Aberdeen with fully trained and experienced consultants, climbers and ground staff. Using the latest tree surgery techniques and equipment, we ensure your trees are cared for and maintained with minimal disruption to you, your trees and their surroundings.
We pride ourselves on our industry knowledge and experience, which is why our team of qualified tree surgeons and consultancy staff are always on hand to offer educated advice and guidance. We understand that trees need to be maintained and managed to ensure their preservation and also appreciate that as owners of trees you have a part to play in their conservation. This is why we consider your requirements and budget very carefully and will always be as competitive as possible to ensure you see value in your investment in us.
Tree Pruning - we can reduce the size of a tree, so your garden can get a bit more sunlight. Also, annual pruning is important for the health of your trees because it makes their stumps and branches stronger and promotes new growth.
Crown Shaping - if you happen to own a tree with overgrown, interlaced branches, the professional tree surgeon can give it a more uniformed shape.
Tree Felling - this service is similar to tree removal. The procedure is tailored for sick, dead or dangerous trees, which might cause damages.
Emergency Tree Work - we can take care of fallen down, broken branches or whole trees after heavy storms and strong wind without keeping you waiting.
Stump Grinding - leftover stumps from cut trees take place. With this service, you can get them levelled with the ground and removed.
Ivy Removal - if the ivy in your green space has gotten out of control and is higher than 4 metres, our local tree surgeons in can take care of it.
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